Building a DICOM indexed store

Student: TBD
Institution: TBD
Supervisor(s): TBD
Date: TBD


A common problem in eScience is the efficient storage and retrieval of data files, which often have rich associated metadata. One particular data format, DICOM, is widely used in the bio-medical community, and there are a large number of different DICOM data sets available.

This project would aim to build a DICOM indexed store which used a backend storage system (e.g. file store, replicated file store or Storage Resource Manager) and a database to store the associated metadata. The indexed storage service itself would be built using OGSA-DAI to provide the external service interface, and would initially provide an operation to submit a DICOM image to the service resulting in the storage of the DICOM file in the storage system and the insertion of the metadata extracted from the DICOM header into the database, as well as an operation to retrieve and deliver for processing extracts from sets of images based on the DICOM metadata. Further work would expand on this to provide further operations suitable for analysing DICOM images, e.g. based on spatial coordinates.