Student: TBD
Institution: TBD
Supervisor(s): TBD
Date: TBD
This project explores the ways in which Java code can be used to parameterise OGSA-DAI activities: e.g. generating methods and compiling/loading, versus interpreting the mapping to generate objects supplied as parameters to user supplied methods, etc. The student will compare the performance and the programmability and test this by measurement.
Initially the project will focus on a small subset e.g. java arithmetic expressions. This first part of the project will seek to validate different ways of providing dynamic, run-time parameterised objects that can change their purpose within a workflow based on early triggers within the workflow or from external sources. Once different methods have been prototyped, there will be a focus on benchmarking the performance and memory usage of the different approaches for the subset of functionality chosen, and also a qualitative assessment of the ease of programmability.