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OGSA-DAI Student Projects
The following pages provide more information about past and current OGSA-DAI student projects, together with some proposed projects that are available for students to carry out in the future. If you or any of your students have done any related student projects, would like to take any of these up, or would like to propose additional projects then please .
Click on the links below to get a pop-up with more details about each of the projects.
Future Possible ProjectsProjects that we think might be interesting for students to attempt.
Current ProjectsProjects that are currently being or about to be undertaken by students.
Past ProjectsProjects that have been done by students in the past that involve OGSA-DAI.
- Odysseas Bournas, Implementation of the Random ByteIO interface for OGSA-DAI, August 2007.
- Xiaochen Yu, Exploration of Data Integration Scenarios using OGSA-DAI WSRF 3.0, August 2007.
- Ming Zhang, A Distributed System for Semantic Annotation of Text in OGSA-DAI, September 2006.
- S. Attaway, Workflow environment for OGSA-DAI, September 2006.
- X. Ma, Point-in-Polygon linking with OGSA-DAI, MSc in High Performance Computing, 2006.
- D. G. Murray, Gathering BLOBs with OGSA-DAI, MSc in High Performance Computing, 2006.
- C. Soulios, Extending OGSA-DAI with WS-Notification, MSc in High Performance Computing, 2006.
- D. Esnaurrizar-Alvarez, Building a Service-Oriented Text Mining Framework with OGSA-DAI, School of Informatics MSc Dissertation (EDI-INF-IM040156), The University of Edinburgh, 2004.
- C. Munro, Developing a C Client Toolkit for OGSA-DAI, EPCC MSc dissertation, September 2004.
- K. Qi, Data integration scenarios in OGSA-DAI, EPCC MSc dissertation, September 2004.