OGSA-DAI Tutorial (13 March 2005)

Note that we cannot guarantee that public services running on coal.epcc.ed.ac.uk will be operational at all times after this tutorial.

Timetable (with links to slides)

09:00 Introduction
10:00 OGSA-DAI Overview
10:30 Break
11:00 Practical: Databrowser, Quickview client
11:30 Projects using OGSA-DAI
12:00 OGSA-DAI Architecture
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Client Toolkit
14:30 Practical: Client Toolkit I
16:00 Data Resource Configuration
16:30 Break
17:00 Practical: Client Toolkit II
17:30 Feedback
optional Practical: Writing an Activity

Practical: Data Browser

The data browser can be started as follows: Change to your local installation of OGSA-DAI 5.0 and start the databrowser.

> cd ogsadai-5.0
> ant databrowser

Documentation: /doc/ogsi/clients/Databrowser.html

Practical: Quickview Client

A public quickview client is available here: http://coal.epcc.ed.ac.uk:9080/ogsadai-quickview.

Documentation: /docs/R5/doc/ogsi/clients/QuickviewClient.html

You may also install the quickview client on your local machine as described in the documentation. Connect to your local GDSF, for example http://localhost:8080/ogsa/services/ogsadai/MySQLGDSF.

Practical: Client Toolkit Tutorial

Start the client toolkit tutorial from here: /docs/R5/doc/clients/clienttoolkit/index.html. The following public GDSFs are available:

If you have deployed an OGSA-DAI test factory on your local system you can run the SQL examples.

Practical: How To Write An Activity

This is a more advanced tutorial if you would like to add more functionality to an OGSA-DAI service. /docs/R5/doc/tutorials/activitywrite/index.html

Example Database

The example database contains a table littleblackbook which looks as follows:

id name address phone
1 Ally Antonioletti 826 Hume Crescent, Southampton 01670061244
2 Amy Atkinson 583 Atkinson Drive, Southampton 06312054624
3 Andrew Borley 354 Jackson Road, Edinburgh 01057075166
4 Charaka Chue Hong 750 Pearson Crescent, Southampton 09945916393
5 Dave Hardman 079 Borley Gardens, Winchester 06725558505
... ... ... ...
