A Simple Example: Running an SQL Query

In this example, you will run a simple SQL query across a table littleblackbook which looks like this:

id name address phone
1 Ally Antonioletti 826 Hume Crescent, Southampton 01670061244
2 Amy Atkinson 583 Atkinson Drive, Southampton 06312054624
3 Andrew Borley 354 Jackson Road, Edinburgh 01057075166
4 Charaka Chue Hong 750 Pearson Crescent, Southampton 09945916393
5 Dave Hardman 079 Borley Gardens, Winchester 06725558505
... ... ... ...

For example, the following SQL statement selects one row from the table littleblackbook:

select * from littleblackbook where id='3475'

and returns the following:

3475 James Antonioletti 163 Palansuriya Avenue, Winchester 008979852295


The following steps show you how to write a Java client that contacts a data service, queries the database and prints out the results.

  1. Create a new directory for your example code. Within this directory, open a new Java class with a main method, called SimpleClient.java, for example. This class has to import the following client toolkit classes:
    import uk.org.ogsadai.client.toolkit.GenericServiceFetcher;
    import uk.org.ogsadai.client.toolkit.Response;
    import uk.org.ogsadai.client.toolkit.activity.ActivityRequest;
    import uk.org.ogsadai.client.toolkit.activity.sql.SQLQuery;
    import uk.org.ogsadai.client.toolkit.activity.sql.WebRowSet;
    import uk.org.ogsadai.client.toolkit.service.DataService;
  2. Before you can access the database you must connect to the Data Service with a given URL. Use the uk.org.ogsadai.client.toolkit.GenericServiceFetcher to get a data service:
    String handle = "http://localhost:8080/wsrf/services/ogsadai/DataService";
    String id = "MySQLResource";
    DataService service = GenericServiceFetcher.getInstance().getDataService(handle, id);
  3. Now construct a new SQLQuery object from your SQL query string.
    SQLQuery query = new SQLQuery("select * from littleblackbook where id='3475'");
  4. Then choose an output format for your query so it can be delivered in the response. We will use WebRowSet which is an XML representation of a JDBC ResultSet object.
    WebRowSet rowset = new WebRowSet(query.getOutput());
  5. Create a request which holds both the query and the conversion ...
    ActivityRequest request = new ActivityRequest();
  6. ... execute the request ...
    Response response = service.perform(request);
  7. ... and have a look at the results!
  8. Now compile and run your client code:
    $ javac SimpleExample.java
    $ java SimpleExample
  9. The results are wrapped in an element which contains the SQL results in web row set format. A WebRowSet document is a XML representation of a SQL RowSet and consists of a properties section, a metadata section and a data section. The metadata gives information about the columns in the result set. The actual data is contained within the data element. Here's what your query should return:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns1:response xmlns:ns1="https://ogsadai.org.uk/namespaces/2005/10/types">
        <ns1:request status="COMPLETED"/>
        <ns1:result name="SQLQuery-ogsadai-104efff5bd7" status="COMPLETED"/>
        <ns1:result name="ogsadai-104efff5bd8" status="COMPLETED"><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <webRowSet xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdbc" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdbc http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdbc/webrowset.xsd">
       <columnValue>James Antonioletti</columnValue>
       <columnValue>163 Palansuriya Avenue, Winchester</columnValue>

See OGSA-DAI/examples/src/uk/org/ogsadai/examples/clienttoolkit/SimpleExample.java for an example solution.