Activity - zipArchive
Activity Type: Transformation
Archive and compress the data output from other activities, using the ZIP compression format.
<zipArchive name="transform">
This archive contains my data.
<settings checksum="adler32" level="9"/>
<zipEntry from="statementOutput1"/>
<zipEntry from="statementOutput2"/>
<zipEntry from="statementOutput3"/>
<archivedOutput name="myArchivedOutput"/>
<metadataOutput name="myMetadataOutput" />
Element zipArchive:
- Attribute name - unique name for the activity within the scope of a request.
- Element comment (zero or one) - contains a human-readable comment for the archive.
- There is a length restriction of 65,535 bytes on this comment (corresponding to a character limit dependent on the character encoding).
- Element settings (optional) - the control settings for the archive.
- Attribute checksum - the type of checksum generate for the compressed data. The checksum can be used for validation purposes. Legal values of the attribute are:
- adler32 - Adler32 checksum (faster).
- crc32 - CRC32 checksum.
- Attribute level - level of compression. Only applicable if deflated archiving method is selected. Legal values of the attribute are:
- 0 - minimum compression (fastest performance but largest archive)
- TO
- 9 - maximum compression (slowest performance but smallest archive).
- Element zipEntry (one or more) - data to archive.
- The data is contained within the element.
- OR
- Attribute from - input stream providing the data.
archivedOutput (required) - output stream for the archived data (bytes).
- Attribute name - name of this output stream.
metaDataOutput (required) - output stream for archive meta-data (XML data including the archive type and the checksum).
- Attribute name - name of this output stream.
Input and Output Types
Data Resource Accessor
This activity can operate with any data resource accessor.
XML Schema
Client Toolkit Class