
Activities for indexing and searching text files using the Apache Lucene search engine.


Class Summary
AddAndIndexFileActivity Imports a flat file into a file system data resource and builds an index using the Jakarta Lucene full-text search engine.
AddAndIndexFileActivityConfiguration This class processes a configuration document for the AddAndIndexFileActivity.
FileReadingActivity An activity to read data from one or more binary or text files stored on the server.
FlatFileIndexWriter Implemented by classes that index flat files.
OMIMIndexWriter Indexes OMIM data files.
SearchIndexedFileActivity Searches an index that has been built by the Jakarta Lucene full-text search engine.
SwissProtIndexWriter Indexes SwissProt data files.

Exception Summary
IllegalIndexedFileQueryException A given indexed file query is illegal.
NoAnalyzerException There is no file analyzer for a file of a specific type.
NoIndexerException There is no file indexer for a file of a specific type.

Package Description

Activities for indexing and searching text files using the Apache Lucene search engine.