Class Summary |
BlockAggregatorActivity |
This activity aggregates blocks together using overloaded processBlocks(Type) methods. |
ByteQueue |
A ByteQueue enqueues and dequeues bytes. |
BytesToTempFileActivity |
This activity takes an stream of byte arrays and writes them to a temporary file on the server. |
ChecksumConverter |
A helper class to convert Checksum objects into String representations. |
CSVProjectionActivity |
A CSVProjectionActivity projects the i-th value from a sequence of CSV values. |
FrequencyDistributorActivity |
A FrequencyDistributorActivity distributes the input values, that should be numeric, into the corresponding spaces that emerge from the parameter sequence of values. |
GZIPCompressionActivity |
An Activity to perform GZIP compression. |
GZIPDecompressionActivity |
An Activity to perform GZIP decompression. |
GZIPIncrementalProcessor |
An IncrementalProcessor that reads from an InputStream , compresses the data using GZIP compression, and writes to an OutputStream . |
IncrementalProcessorInputStream |
An InputStream designed to read the output of some kind of process in incremental stages. |
RandomSampleActivity |
A RandomSampleActivity takes as input a sequence of values and returns a random subset of them basen on the fraction provided. |
StringTokenizerActivity |
This activity tokenizes the input data it recieves using a specified set of delimiters. |
WebRowSetProjectionActivity |
A WebRowSetProjectionActivity projects a WebRowSet input document onto a column name or a column index. |
XSLTransformActivity |
An Activity to perform XSL-Transforms. |
ZIPArchiveActivity |
An Activity to archive and compress one or more inputs using the ZIP format. |
ZIPIncrementalProcessor |
An IncrementalProcessor to produce ZIP archives. |