
Contains activity implementations for transforming data from one format into another.


Interface Summary
IncrementalProcessor An IncrementalProcessor is used by the IncrementalProcessorInputStream to perform processing that generates output in incremental stages.

Class Summary
BlockAggregatorActivity This activity aggregates blocks together using overloaded processBlocks(Type) methods.
ByteQueue A ByteQueue enqueues and dequeues bytes.
BytesToTempFileActivity This activity takes an stream of byte arrays and writes them to a temporary file on the server.
ChecksumConverter A helper class to convert Checksum objects into String representations.
CSVProjectionActivity A CSVProjectionActivity projects the i-th value from a sequence of CSV values.
FrequencyDistributorActivity A FrequencyDistributorActivity distributes the input values, that should be numeric, into the corresponding spaces that emerge from the parameter sequence of values.
GZIPCompressionActivity An Activity to perform GZIP compression.
GZIPDecompressionActivity An Activity to perform GZIP decompression.
GZIPIncrementalProcessor An IncrementalProcessor that reads from an InputStream, compresses the data using GZIP compression, and writes to an OutputStream.
IncrementalProcessorInputStream An InputStream designed to read the output of some kind of process in incremental stages.
RandomSampleActivity A RandomSampleActivity takes as input a sequence of values and returns a random subset of them basen on the fraction provided.
StringTokenizerActivity This activity tokenizes the input data it recieves using a specified set of delimiters.
WebRowSetProjectionActivity A WebRowSetProjectionActivity projects a WebRowSet input document onto a column name or a column index.
XSLTransformActivity An Activity to perform XSL-Transforms.
ZIPArchiveActivity An Activity to archive and compress one or more inputs using the ZIP format.
ZIPIncrementalProcessor An IncrementalProcessor to produce ZIP archives.

Exception Summary
BlockAggregatorSizeException The blockAggregator activity was given a size attribute with an incorrect value.
IllegalDelimiterException An illegal delimiter was provided.
MissingXSLTException The xslTransform activity was not given an XSLT transform either inline or via an activity input.
ZIPArchiveCommentLengthException The zipArchive activity was given a comment with an incorrect length.

Package Description

Contains activity implementations for transforming data from one format into another.