Uses of Class

Packages that use ActivityOutput Provides base classes for request componenents and activities.? This package provides classes that provide a client-side representation of delivery activities in Java.? Provides client toolkit versions of the example activities.? Provides client toolkit versions of the activities used in the data service resource factory demo.? Provides client-side classes for OGSA-DAI file activities.? Provides client-side classes for OGSA-DAI activites that operate on indexed files.? This package provides classes that provide a client-side representation of miscellaneous activities in Java.? ?? ?? Provides client-side classes for OGSA-DAI activites that allow SQL access to relational databases.? Contains the client toolkit activity classes for various data transformation activities.? Contains the client toolkit activity classes for various XML database activities.?

Uses of ActivityOutput in

Fields in declared as ActivityOutput
private ?ActivityOutput ActivityOutputParameterImpl.mOutput
??????????Activity output

Methods in that return ActivityOutput
?ActivityOutput ExampleActivity.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity output.
?ActivityOutput ActivityOutputParameter.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity output associated with this output parameter.
protected ?ActivityOutput[] Activity.getOutputs()
??????????Gets the activity outputs.
?ActivityOutput ActivityOutputParameterImpl.getOutput()

Methods in with parameters of type ActivityOutput
?void ExampleActivity.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the name of the output of another activity in the same request that will provide data for a specific input of this activity.
?void ParameterizedActivity.setParameter(int?index, ActivityOutput?output)
??????????Sets the output stream of an activity that will provide input into a specific parameter.

Uses of ActivityOutput in

Methods in that return ActivityOutput
?ActivityOutput DeliverFromGFTP.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the data read.
?ActivityOutput DeliverFromURL.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the data from the URL.
?ActivityOutput DeliverFromDT.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output.
?ActivityOutput DeliverFromFile.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the file content.
?ActivityOutput DTInputStream.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the data received.
?ActivityOutput DeliverToAttachment.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity output.

Methods in with parameters of type ActivityOutput
?void DeliverToNull.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be discarded.
?void DeliverToDT.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be delivered.
?void DeliverToURL.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be stored.
?void DeliverToFile.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be stored.
?void DTOutputStream.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be exposed.
?void DeliverToSMTP.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the name of the output that will provide the specified input to this activity.
?void DeliverToGFTP.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be stored.
?void DeliverToStream.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be stored.
?void DeliverToResourceProperty.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be stored.
?void DeliverToAttachment.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Connected the input of this activity to output of another activity.

Constructors in with parameters of type ActivityOutput
DeliverToURL(java.lang.String?url, ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Constructs a request to deliver data to a URL.
??????????Constructs a request to read file from URL.

Uses of ActivityOutput in

Methods in that return ActivityOutput
?ActivityOutput DemoExternalInput.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity output - the sum of the values of each block.

Uses of ActivityOutput in

Methods in that return ActivityOutput
?ActivityOutput DemoCreateTransientInstance.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity output - the name of the new demo instance resource.
?ActivityOutput DemoQueryInstance.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity output - the name stored in the demo instance resource.
?ActivityOutput DemoCreateInstance.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity output - the name of the new demo instance resource.

Uses of ActivityOutput in

Methods in that return ActivityOutput
?ActivityOutput DirectoryAccess.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output.

Methods in with parameters of type ActivityOutput
?void FileWriting.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be appended/inserted or to replace existing data.

Uses of ActivityOutput in

Methods in that return ActivityOutput
?ActivityOutput IndexedFileSearch.getDataOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's data output.
?ActivityOutput IndexedFileSearch.getSearchStatus()
??????????Gets the activity's search status output.
?ActivityOutput ReadFile.getOutput()
??????????Get this activity's output - the data.

Methods in with parameters of type ActivityOutput
?void AddAndIndexFile.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be written into the new file.
?void ReadFile.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data.

Constructors in with parameters of type ActivityOutput

Uses of ActivityOutput in

Methods in that return ActivityOutput
?ActivityOutput Notification.getDataOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's data output.
?ActivityOutput Notification.getNotificationOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's notification message output.
?ActivityOutput DataStore.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the data in the store.

Methods in with parameters of type ActivityOutput
?void Notification.setDataInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the name of the output that will provide the input to this activity.
?void DataStore.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Specify the output of another activity, from which the data will be obtained.

Constructors in with parameters of type ActivityOutput
??????????Constructs an activity to generate a notification upon commencement or completion of processing of the perform document.
Notification(ActivityOutput?input, NotificationType?type, java.lang.String?message)
??????????Constructs an activity to generate a notification upon commencement or completion of processing of the perform document.
??????????Initialise a new data store to act as a buffer of data from another activity's output.

Uses of ActivityOutput in

Methods in that return ActivityOutput
?ActivityOutput ExtractPhysicalSchema.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the requested physical database schema information.
?ActivityOutput ExtractDatabaseSchema.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the requested database schema information.
?ActivityOutput DatabaseSchemaToXML.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the database schema metadata in an XML format.

Methods in with parameters of type ActivityOutput
static?DatabaseSchemaMetaData DatabaseSchemaActivityOutputConverter.convert(ActivityOutput?output)
??????????Converts output from a DatabaseSchemaToXML activity into a DatabaseSchemaMetaData object.
?void DatabaseSchemaToXML.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the database schema data.

Constructors in with parameters of type ActivityOutput

Uses of ActivityOutput in

Methods in that return ActivityOutput
?ActivityOutput RemoveDataServiceResource.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the name of the resource removed.

Uses of ActivityOutput in

Methods in that return ActivityOutput
?ActivityOutput SQLBag.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output.
?ActivityOutput ResultsetProjection.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity output - the projected column values.
?ActivityOutput CSV.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the XML WebRowSet.
?ActivityOutput SQLResilientQuery.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output.
?ActivityOutput SQLStoredProcedure.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output.
?ActivityOutput SQLUpdate.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the count of rows affected.
?ActivityOutput SQLResultToBytes.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity output to which the blocks of byte arrays will be written.
?ActivityOutput WebRowSet.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the XML WebRowSet.
?ActivityOutput RemoveDuplicatesWebRowSet.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output.
?ActivityOutput SQLQuery.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output.
?ActivityOutput SQLBulkLoad.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output.

Methods in with parameters of type ActivityOutput
static?java.sql.ResultSet ResultSetActivityOutputConverter.convert(ActivityOutput?output)
??????????Converts an activity output to a forward-only java.sql.ResultSet.
static?java.sql.ResultSet ResultSetActivityOutputConverter.convert(ActivityOutput?output, int?resultSetType)
??????????Converts an activity output to a java.sql.ResultSet.
static?java.sql.ResultSet ResultSetActivityOutputConverter.convertFromCSV(ActivityOutput?output)
??????????Converts an activity output to a forward-only java.sql.ResultSet.
static?java.sql.ResultSet ResultSetActivityOutputConverter.convertFromCSV(ActivityOutput?output, int?resultSetType)
??????????Converts an activity output to a java.sql.ResultSet.
static?java.sql.ResultSet ResultSetActivityOutputConverter.convertFromCSV(ActivityOutput?output, int?resultSetType, CSVConfigurator?configurator)
??????????Converts an activity output to a java.sql.ResultSet.
?void ResultsetProjection.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be sampled.
?void CSV.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the ResultSet data.
?void SQLResultToBytes.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Resets the activity's input stream.
?void WebRowSet.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the ResultSet data.
?void RemoveDuplicatesWebRowSet.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity
static?int UpdateCountToIntOutputConverter.convert(ActivityOutput?output)
??????????Converts update count data to an integer.
?void SQLBulkLoad.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be bulk loaded.

Constructors in with parameters of type ActivityOutput
ResultsetProjection(ActivityOutput?input, java.lang.String?columnName)
ResultsetProjection(ActivityOutput?input, int?columnIndex)
??????????Convert the ResultSet from the given activity output into CSV.
SQLResultToBytes(ActivityOutput?input, int?columnIndex)
??????????Convert the ResultSet from the given activity output into WebRowSet.
SQLBulkLoad(ActivityOutput?input, java.lang.String?tableName)
??????????Constructs an SQL bulk load activity.

Uses of ActivityOutput in

Methods in that return ActivityOutput
?ActivityOutput CSVProjection.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity output - the projected CSV values.
?ActivityOutput RandomSample.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity output - the sampled values.
?ActivityOutput StringTokenizerActivity.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the tokenized data.
?ActivityOutput FrequencyDistributor.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity output - the frequency distribution.
?ActivityOutput XSLTransform.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the transformed data.
?ActivityOutput BlockAggregator.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the aggregated data.
?ActivityOutput BytesToTempFile.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output.
?ActivityOutput WebRowSetProjection.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity output - the projected column values.
?ActivityOutput GZIPCompression.getCompressedDataOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's compressed data output.
?ActivityOutput GZIPCompression.getMetaDataOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's meta data output.
?ActivityOutput ZIPArchive.getArchivedDataOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's archived data output.
?ActivityOutput ZIPArchive.getMetaDataOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's meta data output.
?ActivityOutput GZIPDecompression.getDecompressedDataOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's compressed data output.
?ActivityOutput GZIPDecompression.getMetaDataOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's meta data output.

Methods in with parameters of type ActivityOutput
?void CSVProjection.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be aggregated.
?void RandomSample.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be sampled.
?void StringTokenizerActivity.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be tokenized.
?void FrequencyDistributor.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be sampled.
?void XSLTransform.setXMLInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to transformed.
?void XSLTransform.setXSLTInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to transformed.
?void BlockAggregator.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be aggregated.
?void BytesToTempFile.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be aggregated.
?void WebRowSetProjection.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be sampled.
?void GZIPCompression.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be aggregated.
?void ZIPArchive.addEntry(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be tokenized.
?void GZIPDecompression.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the data to be aggregated.

Constructors in with parameters of type ActivityOutput
CSVProjection(ActivityOutput?input, int?columnNo)
CSVProjection(ActivityOutput?input, int?columnNo, java.lang.String?delimiter)
RandomSample(ActivityOutput?input, double?fraction)
RandomSample(ActivityOutput?input, double?fraction, long?seed)
StringTokenizerActivity(java.lang.String?delimiters, ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Constructs an activity to tokenize the input using the specified delimiters.
FrequencyDistributor(ActivityOutput?input, java.lang.String?pointsValues)
??????????Constructs an activity to perform an aggregation of the blocks generated by the output of another activity.
BlockAggregator(ActivityOutput?input, int?blockSize)
??????????Constructs an activity to perform an aggregation of the blocks generated by the output of another activity.
??????????Constructs the activity.
WebRowSetProjection(ActivityOutput?input, java.lang.String?columnName)
WebRowSetProjection(ActivityOutput?input, int?columnIndex)

Uses of ActivityOutput in

Methods in that return ActivityOutput
?ActivityOutput XQuery.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the XQuery query result.
?ActivityOutput XPathQuery.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the XPath query result.
?ActivityOutput XMLBulkLoad.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the number of inserted resources.
?ActivityOutput XMLListResources.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the list of names.
?ActivityOutput XMLCreateResource.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the name of the new resource.
?ActivityOutput XMLCreateResourceFromActivityOutput.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the name of the new resource.
?ActivityOutput XMLRemoveCollection.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the name of the removed collection.
?ActivityOutput XMLRemoveResource.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the name of the removed collection.
?ActivityOutput XMLCreateCollection.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the name of the created collection.
?ActivityOutput XUpdate.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the XUpdate result.
?ActivityOutput XMLListCollections.getOutput()
??????????Gets the activity's only output - the list of names.

Methods in with parameters of type ActivityOutput
?void XMLBulkLoad.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the XML content of the new resource.
?void XMLCreateResourceFromActivityOutput.setInput(ActivityOutput?input)
??????????Sets the input of this activity to be the output from another activity that will provide the XML content of the new resource.

Constructors in with parameters of type ActivityOutput
??????????Constructs a request to bulk load data into a collection.