
This package provides interfaces representing web services and OGSA-DAI data services.


Interface Summary
ConfigurableDataService Interface for data service proxies that provides the dynamic resource deployment operations of a configurable data service.
DAIService A generic OGSA-DAI service interface for client-side proxies.
DataService Interface for data service proxies that provides standard operations of a data service.
DataTransport Interface for data service proxies that provides the data transport operations of a data service.
Properties Facilitates access to the properties of a resource exposed by a service.
Registry An interface designed to provide a generic client-side view of a registry service.
Service A generic service interface for client-side proxies.
ServiceFetcher Interface used to obtain data service client-side proxies.
SOAPCallFactory A factory interface for creating SOAPCall objects.

Class Summary
ServiceConstants Constants used for interaction with OGSA-DAI services.
SimpleSOAPCallFactory A simple thread-safe implementation of the SOAPCallFactory interface.

Exception Summary
ServiceTypeException Client toolkit cannot communicate with service as it is either not an OGSA-DAI service or is not implemented in a version of OGSA-DAI compatible with this version of the client toolkit.

Package Description

This package provides interfaces representing web services and OGSA-DAI data services. It also provides generic classes and interfaces for interacting with services.