
Provides the data service resource layer of OGSA-DAI and also the core data data resource accessors.


Interface Summary
DataResourceAccessor Interface for a data resource accessor.
FileAccessProvider Interface providing an authorization layer to control access to a file system data resource.
JDBCConnectionProvider Interface providing access to JDBC connections to data resources.
PersistInFiles Plug-in interface for data resource accessors whose configuration is to be read from a set of configutation files.
XMLDBCollectionProvider Interface providing access to collections in XMLDB data resources.
XMLDBMetaDataExtractor This is an interface intended to be implemented by classes that extract meta data from XMLDB data resources.

Class Summary
DataResourceAccessorFactory Factory to create data resource accessors.
DataResourcePropertyNames Data service resource property names.
FilesDataResourceAccessor A data resource accessor that provides access to file system data resources.
JDBCDataResourceAccessor A data resource accessor that provides access to JDBC data resources.
MetaDataExtractor Base class for meta data extractors.
SimpleXMLDBMetaDataExtractor This is a helper class that will assist in the extraction of collection schema from an XMLDB data resource, using an XMLDB collection provider, and the return of this schema in a DOM object.
SQLMultipleDataResourceAccessor A data resource accessor that provides access to a number of data resources.
StatusOfDataServices This class facilitates the dynamic properties of the SQLMultipleDataResource data resource accessor.
TestDataResourceAccessor A data resource accessor for testing and demonstration purposes.
XMLDBDataResourceAccessor A data resource accessor that provides access to XMLDB data resources.

Exception Summary
DataResourceAccessorConfigException A problem was encountered when accessing the configuration of a data resource accessor.
DataResourceAccessorCreationException A problem was encountered when creating a data resource accessor class instance.
DataResourceAccessorMetaDataException A problem was encountered when creating data resource accessor meta data.
DataResourceAccessorSetupException A problem was encountered when setting up a data resource accessor.
DataResourceAuthorizationException Authorization exception thrown when a user is denied access to a data resource.
DataResourceUseException A problem was encountered when using a data resource.
FilesResourceUseException A problem was encountered when using a files data resource.
JDBCCloseConnectionException A problem was encountered when closing an JDBC connection.
JDBCConnectionAccessException A problem was encountered when using an JDBC connection.
JDBCConnectionUseException A problem was encountered when using an JDBC connection.
MetaDataAuthorizationException Authorization exception thrown when a user is denied access to data resource meta data.
MetaDataExtractionException A problem was encountered when extracting data resource meta data.
XMLDBCloseCollectionException A problem was encountered when closing an XMLDB collection.
XMLDBCollectionAccessException A problem was encountered when using an XMLDB collection.
XMLDBCollectionUseException A problem was encountered when using an XMLDB collection.
XMLDBRegistrationException Exception thrown when there is a error registering a database with an XMLDB database manager.
XMLDBUnknownCollectionException Exception thrown when attempting to access an unknown XMLDB collection.
XMLDBUnknownSubCollectionException Exception thrown when attempting to access an unknown XMLDB sub-collection.

Package Description

Provides the data service resource layer of OGSA-DAI and also the core data data resource accessors.