
General OGSA-DAI exceptions and error message support.


Interface Summary
DAIExceptionInformation Interface for the information provided by OGSA-DAI exceptions.

Class Summary
ErrorID Class for textual error identifiers used in internationalization.
ExceptionUtil Utility methods useful to exception classes.
NonOGSADAIExceptionWrapper This wrapper is designed to wrap non-OGSA-DAI exceptions in a format which allows their information - specifically their class name and exception message - to be presented in a form analogous to that used by OGSA-DAI exceptions.

Exception Summary
AuthorisationFaultException Exception wrapping server-side OGSA-DAI problems which are destined for clients.
AuthorizationExecutionException A problem occurred when authorizing something.
DAIAuthorizationException Authorization exceptions abstract class.
DAIClassCreateException Exception thrown when unable to create an instance of a named class using reflection.
DAIClassMissingInterfaceException Exception thrown when a class does not implement an expected interface.
DAIClassMissingMethodException Exception thrown when a class does not implement an expected method.
DAIClassNotFoundException Exception throw when a class specified in a configuration file cannot be found.
DAIClassSecurityException Exception thrown when security error when accessing a class through reflection.
DAIException Base class for OGSA-DAI checked exceptions.
DAIFileReadAuthorizationException Authorization exception thrown by a user is not authorized to read a file or directory.
DAIFileWriteAuthorizationException Authorization exception thrown by a user is not authorized to write a file or directory.
DAIIOException Exception thrown when there is an IO exception while reading IO.
DAIMalformedURLException Exception thrown when a URL is malformed.
DAIMethodInvocationException Exception thrown when unable to invoke a method using reflection.
DAINumberFormatException Exception thrown when a class a string provided should contain a numeric value.
DAIOutOfBoundsException Exception thrown when a numerical value is out of bounds.
DAIProjectionException Exception thrown while thying to project from WebRowSet or CSV input and the column name or column index does not exist.
DAIResourceReadIOException Exception thrown when there is an IO exception while reading a resource file.
DAIUncheckedException Base class for OGSA-DAI unchecked exceptions.
DAIUnknownHostException Exception thrown when the host on which OGSA-DAI is running cannot be determined.
DAIUnsupportedURLProtocolException Exception thrown when a URL is malformed.
DAIURLContentException Exception thrown when there is an error in the expected content of a URL.
DAIURLReadIOException Exception thrown when there is an IO exception while reading a URL.
ExternalModuleException Exception thrown when some external module generates an unrecoverable error or some error that is not a programming nor a user error.
InternalFaultException Exception wrapping server-side OGSA-DAI problems which are destined for clients.
ServerException Exception used to wrap any server-side exceptions that are not to be communicated to the client.

Package Description

General OGSA-DAI exceptions and error message support.