Uses of Class

Packages that use SessionNotFoundException Contains the core classes and interfaces used to support sessions. Contains implementations of the sessions interfaces to provide support for transient sessions. 

Uses of SessionNotFoundException in

Methods in that throw SessionNotFoundException
 InternalSession SessionStrategy.obtainSession(SessionManager manager)
          Uses the session manager to create a new session or access an existing session, depending on the session requirements built into the strategy.
 boolean SessionStreamManager.hasInput(SessionStreamID id)
          Determines whether or not an input stream with the specified identity exists and is open for writing to.
 boolean SessionStreamManager.hasOutput(SessionStreamID id)
          Determines whether or not an output stream with the specified identity exists.
 java.lang.Object SessionStreamManager.getBlock(SessionStreamID id)
          Gets the next block of data available from the specified session output stream.
 java.lang.Object SessionStreamManager.getFully(SessionStreamID id)
          Gets an aggregate of all the data from the specified session output stream.
 java.lang.Object SessionStreamManager.getNBlocks(SessionStreamID id, int numberOfBlocks)
          Gets an aggregate of a number of available blocks of data from a session output stream.
 void SessionStreamManager.putBlock(SessionStreamID id, java.lang.Object data)
          Puts a block of data onto a specified session stream.
 void SessionStreamManager.putFully(SessionStreamID id, java.lang.Object data)
          Puts a block containing all the input data for a specified session stream into the stream and then closes the stream for further input.
 boolean SimpleSessionStreamManager.hasInput(SessionStreamID id)
 boolean SimpleSessionStreamManager.hasOutput(SessionStreamID id)
 java.lang.Object SimpleSessionStreamManager.getFully(SessionStreamID id)
 java.lang.Object SimpleSessionStreamManager.getNBlocks(SessionStreamID id, int numberOfBlocks)
 java.lang.Object SimpleSessionStreamManager.getBlock(SessionStreamID id)
 void SimpleSessionStreamManager.putBlock(SessionStreamID id, java.lang.Object data)
 void SimpleSessionStreamManager.putFully(SessionStreamID id, java.lang.Object data)
private  Session SimpleSessionStreamManager.getSession(SessionID sessionID)
          Retrieves the specified session from the session manager.
private  BlockReader SimpleSessionStreamManager.getBlockReader(SessionStreamID id)
          Gets the BlockReader for the identified session output stream.
private  BlockWriter SimpleSessionStreamManager.getBlockWriter(SessionStreamID id)
          Gets the BlockWriter for the identified session input stream.
 InternalSession SessionManager.lookupSession(SessionID sid)
          Looks up a session by its session identifier (SID).
 Session SessionManager.createSessionView(SessionID sid)
          Creates a safe view of the specified session for use by a session participant.
 void SessionManager.terminateSession(SessionID sid)
          Terminates the session with the specified session ID without concern of whether the session currently has participants or not.
 void SessionCoordinator.join(SessionParticipant participant)
          Joins the specified session participant to a session that matches its requirments.
 void SessionCoordinator.release(SessionParticipant participant)
          Releases the specified session participant from the session to which it is joined.

Uses of SessionNotFoundException in

Methods in that throw SessionNotFoundException
 InternalSession ImplicitSessionStrategy.obtainSession(SessionManager manager)
 InternalSession TerminateSessionStrategy.obtainSession(SessionManager manager)
 void SimpleSessionCoordinator.join(SessionParticipant participant)
 void SimpleSessionCoordinator.release(SessionParticipant participant)
 InternalSession TransientSessionManager.lookupSession(SessionID sid)
 Session TransientSessionManager.createSessionView(SessionID sid)
 void TransientSessionManager.terminateSession(SessionID sid)
 InternalSession ExplicitSessionStrategy.obtainSession(SessionManager manager)
 InternalSession ReferenceSessionStrategy.obtainSession(SessionManager manager)