
This package provides classes implementing delivery activities.


Class Summary
AbstractDeliverFromAddressActivity This abstract class contains methods to connect to a and pull all the information on that stream into OGSA-DAI, either in one byte array block, or via multiple set sized byte array blocks.
AbstractDeliverFromDTActivity This activity gets data from a stream exposed by an active session of a data service resource exposed by a data service.
AbstractDeliverToAddressActivity This abstract class contains methods to connect to a and push information onto that stream from OGSA-DAI.
AbstractDeliverToDTActivity This activity delivers data to a stream exposed by an active session of a data service resource exposed by a data service.
AbstractDTDeliveryActivity This class is an abstract super-class of activities supporting invocation of data transport operations on data services.
DeliverFromFileActivity An activity that reads the data contained in a file on the local filesystem of a data service resource, and writes it to an output.
DeliverFromURLActivity This activity retrieves data from a specified URL and writes it to an output.
DeliverToAttachmentActivity This activity delivers data from an activity stream to the SOAP message attachment.
DeliverToFileActivity An activity which consumes data from an input and delivers it to a file on the service container's local filesystem.
DeliverToNullActivity This activity simply throws away its input.
DeliverToResourcePropertyActivity This activity writes its input to a resource property.
DeliverToSMTPActivity An activity to consume input data and delivers it by email using the Standard Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
DeliverToStreamActivity Activity that delivers data to a DeliverToStreamServlet where it can be retrieved via HTTP.
DeliverToStreamServlet Servlet to provide streaming HTTP delivery of results.
DeliverToURLActivity An activity that consumes data produced by another activity and delivers it to a URL.
InputStreamActivity Create an input stream that is exposed via a service's data transport putFully/Block operations.
OutputStreamActivity Create an output stream that is exposed via a service's data transport getFully/NBlocks/Block operations.

Exception Summary
ServletStreamAccessException Exception thrown when an attempt is made to access data via a servlet but the service, resource, session or stream is unknown.
UnknownSMTPHostException SMTP host is unknown or cannot be contacted.

Package Description

This package provides classes implementing delivery activities.