
Contains the core interfaces and classes of the Activity Framework.


Interface Summary
ActivityConfiguration An ActivityConfiguration object encapsulates configuration information relating to a single Activity.
ActivityConfigurationCreator This interface must be implemented by any Activity that wishes to make use of an ActivityConfiguration object.
ActivityException A common interface for all exceptions that are related to the creation or processing of individual activities.
ActivityFactory An ActivityFactory is responsible for constructing the activities described in perform documents.

Class Summary
Activity This is the abstract base class for all Activity implementations.
ActivityClassDocumentValidator This DocumentValidator scans through the activity elements contained in an activity configuration document and validates the specified implementation classes.
ActivityContext The ActivityContext provides a view of the context of a request suitable for activity implementations.
ActivityCreator An ActivityCreator knows how to create and initialise one type of Activity implementation.
ActivityFactoryImpl Class that provided the implementation of an activity factory.
ActivityPipelineRequestComponent A RequestComponent that consists of an activity or a pipeline of connected activities.
ActivityPropertyDocumentValidator This DocumentValidator scans through the activity elements contained in an activity configuration document looking for activities that make use of property sub-elements.
ActivityRequest Implementation of interface Request that encapsulates all of the objects required to create, process and obtain responses from a single request.
ActivityRequestFactory A RequestFactory for creating activity requests.
ActivityTypesDocumentCreator Creates an XML document describing the activities supported by an ActivityFactory.
CallThroughExternalPipe This is a simple unsynchronized Pipe with a variable length internal buffer.
CallThroughPipe This is a simple unsynchronized Pipe with a variable length internal buffer.
ConfigurableActivitiesDocumentValidator This DocumentValidator checks through the activity elements contained in an activity configuration document and validates those that make use of individual activity configuration files.
ObserverActivity This is a special kind of activity used internally for observing the status of an activity that is driven by an external output.
RequestProcessor Processes the end-point activities of a request, driving the execution of any chained activities.
ResponseDocumentBuilder A ResponseBuilder to assemble an OGSA-DAI response document that conforms to the OGSA-DAI response document XML schema.
ResultActivity This is a special kind of activity used internally for processing any dangling outputs.
SchemaDocumentValidator A DocumentValidator that validates a document against a schema.
SynchronizedGrowableExternalPipe This is a pipe designed to be shared between multiple writer threads and a single reader thread.
SynchronizedGrowablePipe This is a pipe designed to be shared between multiple writers threads and a single reader thread.
UnknownActivityDocumentValidator A DocumentValidator that scans through the activites contained in the given perform document ensuring that they are known by the engine.

Exception Summary
ActivityAuthorizationException There was an authorization failure during the execution of an activity.
ActivityConfigurationException There was a failure during the configuration of a configurable activity.
ActivityConfigurationPropertyException There is a problem with an configurable activity configuration property.
ActivityCreationException There was a failure during the creation of an activity that was not caused due to bad parameters from a client.
ActivityExecutionException There was a failure during the execution of an activity that was not caused due to bad parameters from a client.
ActivitySpecificationException There was a failure during the execution of an activity that was caused due to bad parameters from a client.
ActivityStreamNotFoundException An activity stream cannot be accessed.
ActivityTypesCreationException There was a failure during the creation of an activity types document from activity configurations.
AssemblePerformDocumentException Exception thrown when there is a problem building a Perform document schema from an activity configuration document.
BufferDataForResponseException There was a failure when buffering data for a response.
DuplicateActivityPropertyKeyException Exception thrown when there is a duplicate key for an activity property.
DuplicatePipeException A request contains two or more pipes with the same name.
InvalidActivityClassException Exception thrown when an activity implementation class does not derive from a required class or interface.
PipeAccessException This runtime exception was introduced to solve the bug that allowed data to be read and written into queuing requests, effectively allowing them to process even though they were still being queued.
UnsupportedActivityException Exception thrown when an unsupported activity is encountered.

Package Description

Contains the core interfaces and classes of the Activity Framework.