Uses of Class

Packages that use Activity Contains the core interfaces and classes of the Activity Framework.? This package provides classes implementing delivery activities.? This package provides classes implementing delivery activities that are specific to WSRF-compliant versions of OGSA-DAI.? Various example activities that may be of interest to activity developers.? Activities for writing and reading files.? Activities for indexing and searching text files using the Apache Lucene search engine.? Contains miscellaneous activity implementations for which no suitable common group exists.? Contains activities that retrieve logical and physical metadata from a relational database.? ?? Activities that provide SQL access to a relational data resource.? Specialised SQL query activities for CSV data resources.? Contains activity implementations for transforming data from one format into another.? Contains activity implementations for performing various operations on XML databases.? Contains classes and interfaces for a composite request structure that enables control-flow to within request processing.? ?? Example code for the demo factory tutorial.? Example code for the demo transient factory tutorial.? Interfaces and classes to control access to data service resources and activities.?

Uses of Activity in

Subclasses of Activity in
(package private) ?class ObserverActivity
??????????This is a special kind of activity used internally for observing the status of an activity that is driven by an external output.
(package private) ?class ResultActivity
??????????This is a special kind of activity used internally for processing any dangling outputs.

Fields in declared as Activity
private ?Activity CallThroughPipe.mActivity
??????????The activity that outputs data into this pipe when processed.
private ?Activity CallThroughExternalPipe.mActivity
??????????The activity that outputs data into this pipe when processed.

Methods in that return Activity
?Activity[] ActivityFactoryImpl.createActivities(org.w3c.dom.Document?document)
private ?Activity ActivityFactoryImpl.createActivity(org.w3c.dom.Element?element)
??????????Creates an Activity instance using an ActivityCreator.
?Activity ActivityCreator.createActivity(org.w3c.dom.Element?element)
??????????Creates an Activity instance.
?Activity[] ActivityFactory.createActivities(org.w3c.dom.Document?document)
??????????Constructs the activity implementations for each of the activity elements contained in the given perform document.
private ?Activity[] ActivityPipelineRequestComponent.getAllActivities()
??????????Gets an array of all the activities, internal and external.
private ?Activity[] ActivityRequestFactory.createActivities(org.w3c.dom.Document?requestDocument)
??????????Creates all of the activities described in the request document.

Methods in with parameters of type Activity
private ?void ActivityCreator.initialiseActivityConfiguration(Activity?activity, org.w3c.dom.Document?configurationDoc)
??????????Creates an activity configuration object, if it hasn't already been created, then passes it into the new activity.
?boolean Activity.connectsTo(Activity?activity)
??????????Indicates whether or not the specified activity is connected to this activity.
private static?void RequestProcessor.processActivity(Activity?activity)
??????????Processes the specified activity until it is finished.
?void ActivityPipelineRequestComponent.addActivity(Activity?activity)
??????????Adds the specified activity to this activity pipeline.
private ?void ActivityRequestFactory.authorizeActivities(Activity[]?activities, RequestContext?context)
??????????Authorize activities within the current request context.

Constructors in with parameters of type Activity
??????????Constructs a CallThroughPipe that will pull data from the specified source Activity.
CallThroughExternalPipe(Activity?activity, ProcessingStatus?status)
??????????Constructs a CallThroughPipe that will pull data from the specified source Activity.
??????????Constructs an ObserverActivity that will observe the status of another activity.

Uses of Activity in

Subclasses of Activity in
?class AbstractDeliverFromAddressActivity
??????????This abstract class contains methods to connect to a and pull all the information on that stream into OGSA-DAI, either in one byte array block, or via multiple set sized byte array blocks.
?class AbstractDeliverFromDTActivity
??????????This activity gets data from a stream exposed by an active session of a data service resource exposed by a data service.
?class AbstractDeliverToAddressActivity
??????????This abstract class contains methods to connect to a and push information onto that stream from OGSA-DAI.
?class AbstractDeliverToDTActivity
??????????This activity delivers data to a stream exposed by an active session of a data service resource exposed by a data service.
?class AbstractDTDeliveryActivity
??????????This class is an abstract super-class of activities supporting invocation of data transport operations on data services.
?class DeliverFromFileActivity
??????????An activity that reads the data contained in a file on the local filesystem of a data service resource, and writes it to an output.
?class DeliverFromURLActivity
??????????This activity retrieves data from a specified URL and writes it to an output.
?class DeliverToAttachmentActivity
??????????This activity delivers data from an activity stream to the SOAP message attachment.
?class DeliverToFileActivity
??????????An activity which consumes data from an input and delivers it to a file on the service container's local filesystem.
?class DeliverToNullActivity
??????????This activity simply throws away its input.
?class DeliverToResourcePropertyActivity
??????????This activity writes its input to a resource property.
?class DeliverToSMTPActivity
??????????An activity to consume input data and delivers it by email using the Standard Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
?class DeliverToStreamActivity
??????????Activity that delivers data to a DeliverToStreamServlet where it can be retrieved via HTTP.
?class DeliverToURLActivity
??????????An activity that consumes data produced by another activity and delivers it to a URL.
?class InputStreamActivity
??????????Create an input stream that is exposed via a service's data transport putFully/Block operations.
?class OutputStreamActivity
??????????Create an output stream that is exposed via a service's data transport getFully/NBlocks/Block operations.

Uses of Activity in

Subclasses of Activity in
?class DeliverFromGDTActivity
??????????This activity gets data from a stream that is part of a currently active session within a data service resource exposed by a data service.
?class DeliverFromGFTPActivity
??????????This activity gets data from a GridFTP server.
?class DeliverToGDTActivity
??????????This activity delivers data to a stream that is part of a session currently active within a data service resource exposed by a data service.
?class DeliverToGFTPActivity
??????????This activity delivers data to a GridFTP server.

Uses of Activity in

Subclasses of Activity in
?class DemoExternalInputActivity
??????????Activity to demonstrate the external input functionality.
?class ExampleActivity
??????????This is a template class that can be copied into a new file, renamed and modified in order to implement a new activity.
?class HelloWorldActivity
??????????A simple "HelloWorld"-style activity for that shows how to return a String.

Uses of Activity in

Subclasses of Activity in
?class AbstractFileActivity
??????????Abstract superclass for all activities which are intended for use with data resources that implement the FileAccessProvider interface.
?class DirectoryAccessActivity
??????????An activity which returns a comma-separated list of the files contained within a directory.
?class FileAccessActivity
??????????Reads a file or extracts part of a file.
?class FileManipulationActivity
??????????An activity which provides the means by which to move, copy, create and delete files from a files data service resource.
?class FileWritingActivity
??????????This activity allows writing to a file.

Uses of Activity in

Subclasses of Activity in
?class AddAndIndexFileActivity
??????????Imports a flat file into a file system data resource and builds an index using the Jakarta Lucene full-text search engine.
?class FileReadingActivity
??????????An activity to read data from one or more binary or text files stored on the server.
?class SearchIndexedFileActivity
??????????Searches an index that has been built by the Jakarta Lucene full-text search engine.

Uses of Activity in

Subclasses of Activity in
?class DataStoreActivity
??????????The DataStoreActivity acts as a cache of data from which other activities can retrieve blocks at their convenience.
?class NotificationActivity
??????????An activity that produces a notification message when the output stream of another activity has completed or commenced.

Uses of Activity in

Subclasses of Activity in
?class DatabaseSchemaToXMLActivity
??????????An activity that converts a stream of table metadata objects into an XML document.
?class ExtractDatabaseSchemaActivity
??????????An activity that retrieves database metadata from the database and copies it into new objects.
?class MySQLExtractPhysicalSchemaActivity
??????????An activity that retrieves physical metadata from a MySQL database and returns an XML string.
?class PhysicalSchemaFileActivity
??????????An activity that retrieves physical metadata from a file (stored in the configuration for this activity) and writes it as an XML string to its only output.
?class SQLServerExtractPhysicalSchemaActivity
??????????An activity that retrieves physical metadata from a Microsoft SQLServer database and returns an XML string.

Uses of Activity in

Subclasses of Activity in
?class RemoveResourceActivity
??????????An activity that removes a data service resource from a service.

Uses of Activity in

Subclasses of Activity in
?class AbstractParameterisedSQLActivity
??????????Abstract class for implementations of SQL activites that support parameterised SQL statements.
?class AbstractSQLActivity
??????????Super-class of SQL activity implementations.
(package private) ?class CallDataService
??????????This inner class contacts a data service resource exposed by a data service.
?class RemoveDuplicatesWebRowSetActivity
??????????This activity is used to remove duplicate records (rows) in a query result from multiple relational data service resources (exposed by data services).
?class ResultsetProjectionActivity
??????????A ResultSetProjectionActivity projects a java.sql.ResultsSet input onto a column name or a column index.
?class SQLBagActivity
??????????This activity runs queries over two relational data service resources and merges the results into a single WebRowSet document and sends it back as the output of this activity.
?class SQLBulkLoadRowSetActivity
??????????Bulk loads data, provided in the WebRowSet format, into a table.
?class SQLQueryMultipleActivity
??????????This is abstract class for activities which query multiple relational resources e.g.
?class SQLQueryStatementActivity
??????????Executes one or a sequence of SQL query statements across a JDBC connection.
?class SQLResilientQueryActivity
??????????This activity runs queries over two relational data service resources and returns the results as a WebRowSet document from the first one that returns its results.
?class SQLResultsToCSVActivity
??????????Implementation of SQL java.sql.ResultSet to CSV (Comma Separated Values) conversion activity (sqlResultstoCSV).
?class SQLResultsToXMLActivity
??????????Implementation of SQL java.sql.ResultSet to WebRowSet conversion activity (sqlResultstoXML).
?class SQLResultToBytesActivity
??????????Activity that converts a single entry in an SQL result set to a binary stream.
?class SQLStoredProcedureActivity
??????????Executes a stored procedure across a JDBC connection.
?class SQLUpdateStatementActivity
??????????Executes one or a sequence of SQL update statements across a JDBC connection.

Fields in declared as Activity
private ?Activity NonBufferingPipe.mActivity
??????????Activity that outputs data into this pipe when processed.

Constructors in with parameters of type Activity
??????????Constructs a CallThroughPipe that will pull data from the specified source Activity.

Uses of Activity in

Subclasses of Activity in
?class CSVQueryStatementActivity
??????????Executes SQL query statements on a CSV data resource.

Uses of Activity in

Subclasses of Activity in
?class BlockAggregatorActivity
??????????This activity aggregates blocks together using overloaded processBlocks(Type) methods.
?class BytesToTempFileActivity
??????????This activity takes an stream of byte arrays and writes them to a temporary file on the server.
?class CSVProjectionActivity
??????????A CSVProjectionActivity projects the i-th value from a sequence of CSV values.
?class FrequencyDistributorActivity
??????????A FrequencyDistributorActivity distributes the input values, that should be numeric, into the corresponding spaces that emerge from the parameter sequence of values.
?class GZIPCompressionActivity
??????????An Activity to perform GZIP compression.
?class GZIPDecompressionActivity
??????????An Activity to perform GZIP decompression.
?class RandomSampleActivity
??????????A RandomSampleActivity takes as input a sequence of values and returns a random subset of them basen on the fraction provided.
?class StringTokenizerActivity
??????????This activity tokenizes the input data it recieves using a specified set of delimiters.
?class WebRowSetProjectionActivity
??????????A WebRowSetProjectionActivity projects a WebRowSet input document onto a column name or a column index.
?class XSLTransformActivity
??????????An Activity to perform XSL-Transforms.
?class ZIPArchiveActivity
??????????An Activity to archive and compress one or more inputs using the ZIP format.

Uses of Activity in

Subclasses of Activity in
?class XMLBulkLoadActivity
??????????An XMLDBActivity for bulk loading data into a XMLDB compliant database collection.
?class XMLCollectionManagementActivity
??????????An activity for performing XMLDB collection management operations such as creating, removing and listing collections.
?class XMLDBActivity
??????????This is the base class for all Activity implementations that interact with XMLDB data service resources/
?class XMLDBCommandActivity
??????????This XMLDBActivity is designed to execute a single Command.
?class XMLResourceManagementActivity
??????????An activity for performing XMLDB resource management operations such as creating, removing and listing resources within collections.
?class XPathStatementActivity
??????????An XMLDBActivity for performing XPath statements.
?class XQueryStatementActivity
??????????An XMLDBActivity for performing XQuery statements.
?class XUpdateStatementActivity
??????????An XMLDBActivity for performing XUpdate statements on XMLDB compliant database Collections and specified resources within them.

Uses of Activity in

Methods in with parameters of type Activity
?RequestComponent RequestComponentFactory.createRequestComponent(Activity[]?activities, org.w3c.dom.Document?requestDocument)
??????????Creates a composite RequestComponent structure for the specified request document.
?RequestComponent RequestComponentFactoryImpl.createRequestComponent(Activity[]?activities, org.w3c.dom.Document?requestDocument)
private ?void RequestComponentFactoryImpl.searchForConnections(Activity?activity, java.util.List?activities, ActivityPipelineRequestComponent?pipeline)
??????????Builds a pipeline by iterating through the inputs and outputs of an activity searching for connected activities.

Uses of Activity in

Methods in with parameters of type Activity
?boolean UpdateableFileAuthorizer.authorizeActivity(java.lang.String?resourceID, Activity?activity, SecurityContext?context)
?boolean SimpleFileAuthorizer.authorizeActivity(java.lang.String?resourceID, Activity?activity, SecurityContext?context)
??????????Authorizes access to an activity based on an access control list.

Uses of Activity in

Subclasses of Activity in
?class DemoCreateInstanceActivity
??????????An activity that creates a new data service resource to demonstrate the data service resource creation functionality.
?class DemoQueryInstanceActivity
??????????An activity that queries a data service resource created by a demo data service resource factory resource.

Uses of Activity in

Subclasses of Activity in
?class DemoCreateTransientInstanceActivity
??????????An activity that creates a new data resource to demonstrate the data service resource creation functionality.

Uses of Activity in

Methods in with parameters of type Activity
?boolean NullAuthorizer.authorizeActivity(java.lang.String?resourceID, Activity?activity, SecurityContext?context)
??????????Always returns true.
?boolean AccessAuthorizer.authorizeActivity(java.lang.String?resourceID, Activity?activity, SecurityContext?context)
??????????Authorizes access for the given activity and resource in the specified security context.